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Mission and Quality
Mission and Quality
Selmar Technologies is fully geared to quality and customer satisfaction: innovative solutions, custom design, production that meets the highest international standards, rapid and qualified assistance.
Solutions and Services
Solutions and Services
Selmar Technologies offers a full range of products and services for the marine industry and for civil and industrial water treatment: reverse osmosis desalinators for sea water or brackish water, sewage treatment systems for black and grey water, softeners and sterilizers.
The reverse osmosis process is the most efficient, steadiest and modern way to treat seawater and brackish water: it allows to obtain fresh and drinkable water with low power consumption. Selmar Technologies uses this technology since 30 years.
Collaboriamo con organizzazioni e associazioni per promuovere l'inclusione sociale, l'istruzione e l'accesso alle risorse vitali, tra cui l'acqua.
La nostra rete di vendita e centri di assistenza globale garantisce un supporto completo e tempestivo ovunque.
Mission and Quality
Mission and Quality
Selmar Technologies is fully geared to quality and customer satisfaction: innovative solutions, custom design, production that meets the highest international standards, rapid and qualified assistance.
Solutions and Services
Solutions and Services
Selmar Technologies offers a full range of products and services for the marine industry and for civil and industrial water treatment: reverse osmosis desalinators for sea water or brackish water, sewage treatment systems for black and grey water, softeners and sterilizers.
The reverse osmosis process is the most efficient, steadiest and modern way to treat seawater and brackish water: it allows to obtain fresh and drinkable water with low power consumption. Selmar Technologies uses this technology since 30 years.
Collaboriamo con organizzazioni e associazioni per promuovere l'inclusione sociale, l'istruzione e l'accesso alle risorse vitali, tra cui l'acqua.
La nostra rete di vendita e centri di assistenza globale garantisce un supporto completo e tempestivo ovunque.

Selmar Technologies is fully geared to quality and customer satisfaction: innovative solutions, custom design, production that meets the highest international standards, rapid and qualified assistance.

Selmar Technologies è totalmente orientata alla qualità ed alla customer satisfaction. Da sempre attenta al progresso tecnologico, all’ambiente ed alla sicurezza.

“Company with quality system certified ISO 9001”

P.iva: 01361430810 – Iscr. Reg. Impr. TP n. 80498 – Cap. soc. euro 500.000,00 i.v.

Sales Dept
Via XX Settembre, 30 – 20025 Legnano (Milan) – Italy
Tel. +39 02 320 622 654 / +39 0331 542782
Fax +39 02 700 530 851 / +39 0331 478646

Z.I. C.da San Silvestro – 91025 Marsala – Italy
Tel +39 0923 721408 / Fax +39 0923 999515

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